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Domain Security: How To Enable Domain Privacy

Domain Security: How To Purchase Domain Privacy

Before enabling Domain Privacy in your account, you need to purchase it. By following these steps, your goal can be achieved.
  1. Log in to your Domains Dashboard

    Login to your Domains Dashboard
  2. On the dashboard, select the domain name you wish to modify.
    There are two views in the Domains dashboard - the Card and List views. Click on the view icons to switch to your preferred view.
    Card and List view
  3. Choose the domain you are working on. 
    In the Card view, click the domain's Manage button.

    Domain Dashboard - Card View

    In List view, click the domain or its gear icon on the right-hand side.

    Domain Dashboard - List View

  4. Under Domain Privacy + Protection, click on Learn More.
    Click on learn more
  5. Learn about Domain Privacy + Protection, click on Buy Now.
    Learn about Domain Privacy + Protection, click on Buy Now
  6. Use Express Checkout to purchase Domain Privacy + Protection. Click on Check Out to purchase.
    Check Out to purchase
  7. Domain Privacy + Protection will display on your Summary page
    Check Out to purchase

Domain Security: How To Enable Domain Privacy

Once Domain Privacy is purchased, now is the best time to enable it. Follow the steps to be guided accordingly.

  1. Log in to your Domains Dashboard

    Login to your Domains Dashboard
  2. On the dashboard, select the domain name you wish to modify.
    There are two views in the Domains dashboard - the Card and List views. Click on the view icons to switch to your preferred view.
    Card and List view
  3. Choose the domain that you are working on. 
    In the Card view, click the domain's Manage button.

    Domain Dashboard - Card View

    In List view, click the domain or its gear icon on the right-hand side.

    Domain Dashboard - List View

  4. Under Domain Privacy + Protection, toggle the button to enable it.
    Domain Privacy and Protection
  5. You will see the notification to the bottom left side of the screen if it's successful.
    Notification message